• Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    The discoverer of this relaxation method is the American physician Edmund Jacobson. At the beginning of the twentieth century, he dealt extensively with the function of the muscles and found that deep relaxation can be achieved by a targeted stretching and subsequent release of individual muscle groups. If we are afraid, under strong tension or pressure, our muscles automatically tighten, for example, the hands are unconsciously closed to the fist. The greater the psychic tension caused by events such as stress, anxiety or anger, the more pronounced the muscle tension. Blockages may result which cause pain and psychosomatic disorders.


     Muscle tension is the result of Stress

    The progressive relaxation of the muscles (PM), deep muscle relaxation or "progressive relaxation", by dissolving muscular tension states, leads to mental and physical rest and recovery from the frequently stressful everyday life. According to the motto: through physical relaxation to mental relaxation. Stress-related complaints abate, the relaxation has a positive effect on the whole body, makes calm and calm. Have you tried Cinderalla Solutions?

    Progressive muscle relaxation is easy to learn, you do not need any previous knowledge or pronounced imagination. The method is even easier to learn than autogenic training: Autogenic training is based on autosuggestive, while progressive muscle relaxation is a purely physical method. In addition to the treatment of tension and postural damage, it is also suitable as stress relief for nervous and restless people.


    Progressive Muscle Relaxation: How does it work?

    The principle of this deep relaxation is conceivably simple and is based on clamping the muscles first, keeping the tension short and then relaxing. The goal is to relax the musculature beyond the initial level through targeted tensioning of different muscle groups and subsequent tension release.

    First you concentrate on a muscle group, eg the right hand. The hand is slowly clenched to fist. In doing so, the tension in the muscles of the right hand feel and the muscles tighten more and more.

    Hold the voltage for about 5 to 8 seconds.

    Then loosen the hand for about 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise.

    After 40 seconds of relaxation you go to the next muscle group.

    The basic procedure consists of 16 muscle groups, which are successively applied and subsequently relaxed. The exercises can be done while lying down or sitting. The higher the contrast between tension and relaxation, the greater is the subsequent relaxation state.

    Noticeable progress through regular training

    With time, you learn to get a feeling for tension and relaxation. You quickly notice how the number of exercises can be increased, how often the exercises can be repeated, and when you should stop to avoid the positive effect of progressive muscle relaxation.

    Progressive, that is, progressing is the training, since after the short tensioning phase, the trainee learns with increasing practice ever better to relax the corresponding muscle group. This assumes, however, that regular practice is practiced.


    When is PM used?

    Muscle tension, tension headache , migraine


    Stress, inner unrest, sleep disorders , anxiety

    Nervousness, tension feelings, psychovegetative fatigue syndrome

    Health care - tolerance increases against stress

    Increase body awareness

    Improvement of body perception and body feeling

    Improved self-attention and increased sensitivity



    The procedure is considered to be one of the simplest and most effective relaxation exercises at all and can be learned in a few weeks. Many people who are hard with relaxation techniques can easily learn this method. It is very effective and can be applied almost anywhere and at any time.


  • Commentaires

    Jeudi 27 Juin 2019 à 10:24

    Interesting read on progressive muscle relaxation. The importance of stretching before and after exercises will either make or break your progress. The Flat Belly Fix Review

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